Media Training
Every single Media Training with Brighton Media is customized to ensure that you emerge a confident, prepared representative of your organization. Each time you engage the media, it’s an opportunity to drive sales, increase brand recognition, and improve reputation. But there’s always a risk that with one misstep, suddenly you’ve jeopardized your company’s reputation – and your own.
Even if you’ve been a media spokesperson for many years, the stakes have changed. Leaders are now being asked questions that were once well beyond the expectations of the public. What’s more, article quotes and television clips can be shared widely across the internet in an instant. Media Training with Brighton Media makes sure you get it right, and that you’re proud of your company’s media coverage. During Media Training, you’ll learn best practices for working with journalists across all media platforms and tangible skills for any interview. You’ll also practice mock interviews and have the opportunity to watch yourself on video, which is invaluable for improving your skills.
Media Trainings can be done virtually or in-person. Brighton Media offers several Media Training types. We offer comprehensive Media Trainings; Media Trainings that focus on preparing for a specific important moment, such as a top-tier media interview; a focused Media Training that helps you improve a specific interview skill or interview type; and a seminar session for a large group.